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How to Hide Product Variants

Within Product Recommendation Quiz it is possible to hide the product variants dropdown on the results page.

how to hide product varaints image1

Option 1) Recommend a specific product variant instead

You can recommend a specific product variant instead of the main product by changing your Results Page settings.

how to hide product varaints image2

  1. Open Results Page settings > Advanced.
  2. Deactivate the Group product variants option.
  3. Remember to publish the changes with the top-right Publish button to update the preview/live quiz.

Option 2) Hide the dropdown with custom CSS code

It is also possible to recommend only the main product and simply hide the dropdown with custom CSS code. To do that:

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  1. Open the Quiz Design tab.
  2. Scroll to the Custom CSS section and click add.
  3. Paste the following code into the CSS console:

    .no-variants-dropdown {
    display: none;
    .lq-variants-dropdown {
    display: none;
  4. Remember to publish the changes with the top-right Publish button to update the preview/live quiz.

By using this method you can hide the product variants from quiz recommendations.