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One Minute Tutorials

For quick questions, check out our "One Minute Tutorials" playlist.

Playlist: One Minute Tutorials

This is a list of topics that are covered in the playlist.

App Intro

Building the Quiz

Using the Quiz Builder, Adding & Editing Questions

  1. Let’s add a new quiz from your dashaboard.
  2. Quiz Builder is where you’ll create your quiz.
  3. Click on the + plus sign and choose a question type.
  4. You can edit the question and you’ll see how it looks in the preview.
  5. To change question settings, click on , a little wrench icon. Here, you can change things like adding a question description or an image.
  6. To make the quiz more personal you can add a Name question and recall the answer in other parts of the quiz using information recalls (@).
  7. To select the best cleanser, you may want to know the client's age, skin type and the environment they live in. Multiple-choice questions may be the best way to find out this information. Let’s ask about a skin type.
  8. Finally, we should find out the environment they live in. To make the quiz more interesting, we’ll use a Picture question here.
  9. Don’t forget to add an email question! That’s how you’ll collect valuable leads for your marketing campaigns. In the question settings you can make this one optional.
  10. Once you have all your questions you can move them around by drag and drop.
  11. Make sure to keep the quiz short. Customers typically drop out after question 8 and almost nobody gets to question 12. There’s power in simplicity!

Once you’re happy with the design, you can add products to each question. It is a very important step!

  1. Our success checklist will remind you if there are no products associated with the answers.
  2. To add a product, go to the Link Products tab and click on the blank space after the answer.
  3. Your synced products will appear as a list. Scroll down to select items or just start typing the name.
  4. Multiple products can be assigned to the same answer.
  5. Product Recommendation Quiz works like a voting system.
    • Products are linked to each choice.
    • When a customer picks that choice, all linked products receive one vote.
    • After the customer takes the quiz, the results page will show the products sorted by the number of votes.
    • If there is a draw in the number of votes, the app will randomize the products.
  6. Make sure to link products to each question and choice in the quiz.
  7. You can test different answering routes and results by clicking on the Publish button to update the preview/live quiz and then Preview.

Once your quiz is built and styled, you should add products and collections to individual choices.

  1. To do that, go to the Quiz Builder and open the Link Collections tab.
  2. For the age question, you can link the youth and anti-aging collections created earlier.
  3. Then, let’s link the skin type collections.
  4. You can link one or more collections to the same choice.
  5. Continue like this and make sure that each choice in the quiz has products or collections linked, otherwise you may end up with empty results.
  6. Product recommendation algorithm works like a voting system.
    • Products are linked to each choice.
    • When a customer picks that choice all the linked products receive one vote.
    • This includes all the products inside the linked collection.
    • At the end, the results page will show slots with products sorted by the number of votes.

Editing Quiz Design, Adding Custom CSS code

Now let’s make the quiz pretty.

  1. You can change the look of your quiz in the Quiz Design tab.
  2. In the My Themes gallery, you’ll see some premade themes that you can choose from.
  3. Or you can create your own design by clicking Edit Theme.
  4. To make the quiz match the store’s style let’s:
    • edit the font,
    • change the background color,
    • remove or add a background image,
    • and change the color of the buttons and choices.
  5. You can even add custom CSS code to make the quiz unique.
  6. All the changes you make will be saved automatically.
  7. Once you’re done, you can change the name of your theme and it will be saved in My Themes gallery. You’ll be able to apply it to other quizzes that you create.

Editing the Results Page, Adding Product Blocks, Adding Logos, Using Markdown Language

Speaking of results. Make sure to also edit the Results Page.

  1. Just like in the Quiz Builder, you can add multiple sections to your Results Page.
  2. Click on a + plus sign to select a block type.
    • In content blocks, you can write insightful information about the product recommended.
    • With an image block, you can add your brand’s logo.
    • In the Products block, you can select how many products will be recommended.
  3. You can use the Markdown language to make your quiz pop. Markdowns allow you to add boldness or emphasis to your text but also insert links, images, and videos. For more information about the Markdown language, check our How-To documentation section.
  4. The Result Page settings allow you to further customize the quiz with a background image.

Excluding Products from Recommendations

Remember the sensitivity question asked at the end of the quiz? To remove harmful products from the recommendations use the exclude products feature.

  1. To exclude a product go to the Link Products tab and select a question.
  2. Tap on the greyed exclude products text and a white bar will appear.
  3. Simply add the products that contain an allergen.

Now, when a customer says he’s sensitive to aloe vera, all the products that contain it will be excluded from the possible recommendations.

❗Be careful when using exclusions. Once a product has been excluded it won't show on the results page, even if it was upvoted in another question.

Creating Automatic Collections in Shopify

  1. In the Skincare Quiz Demo shop, there are four types of skincare products: cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers.
  2. For the slots to work correctly, you’ll have to create four collections and include all the corresponding products in them. For example:
    • a Cleansers collection should have all the cleansing products,
    • a Toners collection should have all the toning products,
    • a Serums collection should have all the serums, etc.
  3. To create a collection, click on the top-right button. Check this article for detailed instructions on managing collections in Shopify.
  4. Give it a name and a description.
  5. Next, you’ll select how to add products to a collection. You can do that manually, selecting each product one by one, or you can make an automatic collection based on a product tag.
  6. To create a Cleansers collection, we’ll choose the tag to be equal to the word cleanser. Shopify will automatically add all the products with this tag to the collection.
  7. You can create the toners, serums and moisturizer collections the same way.
  8. You can have more than one collection that includes some of the same products. An anti-aging or oily skin collection can be composed of several cleansers, serums or moisturizers.

Using Product Slots on the Results Page

Now let’s add a space for products.

  1. As a skincare store, you’d like to recommend a routine composed of a cleanser, a toner, a serum, and a moisturizer.
  2. Use + to add a Product Slots Block and create four different slots for each of the products.
  3. In product slot settings you can:
    • Edit the slot name,
    • Add a description,
    • And select how many products should be recommended in each slot.
  4. Slots won’t work unless you include collections to each of them. It’s how they know which products to choose.
    • Include the Cleansers collection in the Cleansers Slot
    • Include the Toners collection in the Toners Slot
    • Include the Serums collection in the Serum Slot, etc.
  5. Make sure that the products in these collections are linked to the answers in the quiz. Otherwise, the slots will produce empty results.
  6. Follow the same steps to create a morning routine.

To send contacts to Klaviyo your quiz needs to have an email question.

  1. You can add it to the quiz from the Quiz Builder tab.
  2. You can ask for marketing consent directly in the quiz. For example:
    • You can inform the customer in the question description that by providing the email address they agree to receive marketing information.
    • Or you can add a marketing checkmark by joining two slides together.

Publishing the Quiz

  1. Obtain the Popup Link Code: Go to the Share section of the app, then to Link > Show Instructions for legacy themes. Click on Get the code to copy the link provided.
  2. Access Theme Customization: Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard. Navigate to Online Store > Themes. Find your current theme and click on the Customize button.
  3. Activate App Embeds: Within the theme customization area, go to App Embeds. Look for the Link Popup Quiz option and toggle it on. This action will automatically add the embed.js script to your site, enabling quiz links to load in an iframe popup.
  4. Navigate to Your Site's Navigation Settings: From your Shopify dashboard, go to Online Store > Navigation. Open the menu list you wish to add the quiz link to.
  5. Add a New Menu Item: Click on the Add menu item button. In the name field, type in a title for your quiz link, such as “Take Our Quiz”.
  6. Insert the Popup Link Code: Paste the previously copied code into the link field.
  7. Save Your Changes: Don't forget to click the Save button to apply the changes to your navigation menu.
  1. Obtain the Popup Link Code: Go to the Share section of the app, then to Link > Show Instructions for legacy themes. Click on Get the code to copy the link provided.
  2. Access Theme Customization: Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard. Navigate to Online Store > Themes. Find your current theme and click on the Customize button.
  3. Activate App Embeds: Within the theme customization area, go to App Embeds. Look for the Link Popup Quiz option and toggle it on. This action will automatically add the embed.js script to your site, enabling quiz links to load in an iframe popup.
  4. Navigate to Themes: Go to Online Store > Themes.
  5. Enter Theme Customization: Find the theme you wish to edit and click on the "Customize" button.
  6. Add a New Section: Click on "Add section" and select "Image banner" (or a similar option) from the list.
  7. Insert a Button Block: Within the "Image banner" section, add a new block and choose the "Button" option.
  8. Paste the Quiz Link: Click on the newly added button block to edit its settings. Paste the link to your quiz in the appropriate field.
  9. Save Changes: Make sure to save your changes by clicking on the "Save" button.
  1. Obtain the Popup Link Code: Go to the Share section of the app, then open the External tile and Show Instructions for legacy themes.
  2. Customize Popup Dimensions: Set the width and height according to your preference or the requirements of the social media platform you intend to use.
  3. Generate popup link: Click on the Get the code button to create your unique quiz link. This link is now ready to be shared to your social media.
  4. Share on Social Media: Copy the generated link. Paste this link into your social media posts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other platform you wish to use.

Inline on a New Page

  1. Obtain Inline Embed Code: From the quiz builder, click Share, select Inline mode, and Show Instructions for Legacy Themes to copy the HTML embed code.
  2. Insert Quiz into Page: Navigate to Online Store > Pages and select the page to embed the quiz. Click Show HTML and paste the embed code into the code editor.
  3. Single Quiz Per Page: To avoid issues, embed only one quiz per page. If using a non-Shopify version of the quiz, ensure the embed.js code is added to your site's header.

Inline Quiz on Homepage

  1. Navigate to Theme Customization: Go to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify dashboard. Click the Customize button for your active theme.
  2. Add Inline Quiz Section: Click + Add Section, then scroll to Apps and find Inline Quiz from Shop Quiz: Product Recommender. Select it to add to your homepage.
  3. Configure Quiz Settings: Click on the added quiz section to configure. Select the desired Quiz ID to embed and adjust settings like quiz height, disable auto scroll, or fix quiz height for consistent results page height.
  4. Save Changes: Ensure all changes are saved before exiting the theme editor.

Automatic Popup Quiz on Homepage

  1. Copy Quiz ID: Go to your Shop Quiz dashboard, select a quiz and click the ... button. Copy your Quiz ID.
  2. Open Store Themes: Go to Online Store > Themes, click Customize, then open App Embeds.
  3. Embed Popup Quiz: Select Automatic Popup Quiz, enter the Quiz ID, adjust settings, and activate the toggle.
  4. Save Changes: Ensure all changes are saved before exiting the theme editor.

Chat Popup Quiz on Homepage

  1. Copy Quiz ID: Go to your Shop Quiz dashboard, select a quiz and click the ... button. Copy your Quiz ID.
  2. Open Store Themes: Go to Online Store > Themes, click Customize, then open App Embeds.
  3. Embed the Chat Button Quiz: Select Chat Button Quiz from the list.
  4. Customize the Chat Button: Enter your Quiz ID into the appropriate field. Adjust the chat button settings as needed. Activate the chat button by toggling it on.
  5. Save Changes: Ensure all changes are saved before exiting the theme editor.

Syncing Products and Collections

Once you’ve made changes to your products and collections, you should sync them with the app.

  1. The process is done automatically in the background but to make it faster, you can hit the sync button in the Success Checklist.
  2. The sync may take between 30 to 60 minutes.
  3. Once it’s finished, all your products and collections will be up to date in the app.

Note: Your store is also fully synced every 24 hours.

Checking Quiz Metrics, Responses, and Exporting responses as CSV

The Metrics panel is where you’ll be able to analyze quiz responses.

  • Scroll down in analytics to see a general overview of your results, like how many people viewed your quiz, how many people started it, and the number of responses.
  • The responses tab lets you dive deeper into individual respondents to see how they answered each question.
  • You can download all responses to a CSV file by clicking here.

Using Jump Logic

Let’s start with Jump Logic.

  1. To display text advice in the quiz, you’ll need a Statement question.
  2. Make it longer by adding a description.
  3. One statement will be needed for each type of skin advice.

Now, how can we make only one block appear, instead of all of them, one after the other? We can use Jump Logic.

  1. Open the Conditional Logic tab and select a question.
  2. Let’s add the first Jump logic condition:
    • If the answer to ‘How does your skin feel on an average day?’ is ‘Dry and tight all over’ then Dry skin advice should appear.
  3. Click on the + plus sign to add another statement that can be true. This creates an additional OR conditional statement.
    • If the answer to ‘How does your skin feel on an average day?’ is ‘Oily all over’ then Oily skin advice should appear.
  4. The OR separator between conditions means that only one of these has to be true for the logic to work.
  5. Let’s add conditions for the Combination and Normal skin.
  6. To ensure the customer doesn’t see all four statements additional Jump logic should be added to each of them.
  7. Click on a statement question.
  8. In the Always jump to… section, indicate the question or a page that should preceed it.
  9. Do the same for the other three statements.
  10. Now that all is set, let’s update the preview/live quiz with the top-right Publish button and test it with Preview.
    • First, select Dry skin.
    • Now let’s go back and select Oily skin.

It seems that everything works correctly, well done!

You’ve successfully added Jump Logic to your quiz. Your customers will now be able to see this personalized advice whenever they take the quiz.

Jump Logic is a powerful tool. It can also be used to:

  • redirect the customer to another, external URL directly from the quiz,
  • create branching in the quiz to send the customer to different answering paths,
  • create branching to link different products to the same choices,
  • or send customers to different Result Pages.

Using Skip Logic

For linear quizzes, using Skip Logic instead is recommended.

To achieve the same effect you can set up your statements to be shown one after another.

  1. Navigate to the Conditional Logic tab, select a question and open the Skip Logic menu.
  2. Then, add a Skip Logic rule to each statement. For example, when selecting a Dry skin statement, the rule states:
    • If the answer question ‘How does your skin feel on an average day?’ IS NOT Dry and tight all over, then this question is skipped.
    • This implies that the Dry skin statement will NOT be skipped only if the answer to that question is Dry and thigh all over. In all other cases, the statement will NOT be shown.
  3. Similar rules shall be applied to the statements about the Oily, Combination, and Normal skin.
  4. Once all is set up, make sure to publish the changes with the top-right Publish button.
  5. Let’s test the quiz with the Preview button.

It worked! The correct statement is shown and all the others are skipped based on the skin type the customer selected in the previous question.

Skip logic can also be used to:

  • show or hide a number of follow-up questions,
  • show or hide follow-up content based on questions that allow multiple answers.

Using Block Logic

Logic can also be applied to the contents of your Results Page.

With Block logic, you can show or hide elements of your results page based on the customer's answers.

  1. Let’s add four Content blocks with the skin type advice to your Results Page.
  2. You can edit the block text with Markdown language.
  3. Now, how can we make only one block appear, instead of all of them? We can add Block logic.
  4. To do that, activate it in the lower right corner with the ... button.
  5. Let’s add the first logic condition.
    • If the answer to ‘How does your skin feel on an average day?’ is ‘Dry and tight all over’ then this block (Dry skin block) will be Visible.
    • In all other cases, it will be Hidden.
  6. Now, let’s add similar rules to other content blocks.
  7. Let’s publish the changes with the top-right Publish button and test the quiz again with Preview.

You’ve now successfully used Block logic to show and hide content on the Results page.

Block Logic is a powerful tool that can also be used to:

  • show different image results depending on customer answers
  • or show product blocks with different numbers of recommendations.