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How to Change Quiz Currency

To change the quiz currency:

  1. Open the Quiz Builder.
  2. Navigate to the Quiz Settings > General tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Currency field and click on the dropdown.
  4. Select your currency from the list.
  5. Update the preview/live quiz by clicking the Publish button in the top-right corner.


If you're missing a currency from the list, please contact support.

Multi-currency quizzes

At the moment the Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz doesn’t support multi-currency stores. We’re pulling your store’s base currency. Our app takes into account the original prices set up in your store. If your base currency is in USD dollars, then the US dollar prices will be the only ones synced with the app.

If you run a multi-currency shop there's a workaround. What most customers do is show the product on the results page without the price and instead choose the checkout option to view the product. This way the customer is redirected to the product page from the result where the right price is applied.

Follow these steps to apply this workaround:

  1. Open the Quiz Builder.
  2. Navigate to the Results Page.
  3. Open the Results Page Settings.
  4. In Basic Settings, check the Checkout Settings section. Select Link to product.
  5. Scroll down to Individual Product Settings.
  6. Search for Show price and click the toggle to deactivate it.

Now, the product price will not be shown and the customer will be redirected to the product page from the results page.

This article explains how to change quiz currency and how to handle multi-currency setup.