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Dashboard - Quizzes

On the dashboard, you'll find all the quizzes that you create.


Shopify Side Menu

dashboard side menu

Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

App Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

dashboard top menu

Help - Opens the Success Checklist.

New quiz - Opens the New quiz setup menu.


Version 2 of the RevenueHunt app is not yet available. It is currently in the beta testing phase. Learn more here.


Shopify Side Menu

dashboard side menu

Quizzes - The dashboard of the app where you can find all the quizzes created.

Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

Get support - Opens the Support menu.


Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

⚙️ App Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

❔ Help - Opens the Help menu.


  • ❔ Frequently Asked Questions - Opens our FAQ page with app documentation.
  • ▶ Video Tutorials - Opens the video tutorials page.
  • 🛈 App Status & Uptime - Opens the page where one can check if the app has any technical issues.
  • 💲 Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (
  • ✉️ Contact Support - Opens the page to contact support.

🔲 / square - Opens the quiz full-screen in a new tab.

Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

⚙️ App Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

❔ Help - Opens the Help menu.


  • ❔ Frequently Asked Questions - Opens our FAQ page with app documentation.
  • ▶ Video Tutorials - Opens the video tutorials page.
  • 🛈 App Status & Uptime - Opens the page where one can check if the app has any technical issues.
  • 💲 Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (
  • ✉️ Contact Support - Opens the page to contact support.

🔲 / square - Opens the quiz full-screen in a new tab.

Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

⚙️ App Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

❔ Help - Opens the Help menu.


  • ❔ Frequently Asked Questions - Opens our FAQ page with app documentation.
  • ▶ Video Tutorials - Opens the video tutorials page.
  • 🛈 App Status & Uptime - Opens the page where one can check if the app has any technical issues.
  • 💲 Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (
  • ✉️ Contact Support - Opens the page to contact support.

🔲 / square - Opens the quiz full-screen in a new tab.


Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (

⚙️ App Settings - Opens the App Settings menu.

❔ Help - Opens the Help menu.


  • ❔ Frequently Asked Questions - Opens our FAQ page with app documentation.
  • ▶ Video Tutorials - Opens the video tutorials page.
  • 🛈 App Status & Uptime - Opens the page where one can check if the app has any technical issues.
  • 💲 Plans & Pricing - Opens the Plans & Pricing tab (in-app URL (
  • ✉️ Contact Support - Opens the page to contact support.


dashboard notifications bar

view all - Opens a list of archived notifications.

"x" - Archives a notification.


Version 2 of the RevenueHunt app is not yet available. It is currently in the beta testing phase. Learn more here.


"x" - Archives a notification.

dashboard notifications bar

view all - Opens a list of archived notifications.

"x" - Archives a notification.

dashboard notifications bar

view all - Opens a list of archived notifications.

"x" - Archives a notification.

dashboard notifications bar

view all - Opens a list of archived notifications.

"x" - Archives a notification.

dashboard notifications bar

view all - Opens a list of archived notifications.

"x" - Archives a notification.


dashboard tutorial quiz

Tutorial Quiz (copy) - A default quiz that explains how to use various app functions. Click on the quiz tile to open the Quiz Builder.

0 leads - Indicates the total number of quiz responses the quiz received.

... - Opens quiz management options.

dashboard quiz menu

  • Edit - Opens the Quiz Builder.
  • Connect - Opens the Connect tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Share - Opens the Share tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Metrics - Opens the Metrics tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview.
  • Publish - Publish quiz changes to the Preview/Live Quiz. (If you have not yet added the quiz to your website as a link or an embed, clicking "Publish" will simply update the preview.)
  • Make a copy - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Export Responses as CSV - Generate a CSV file with quiz responses from the last three months. Once clicked a link will appear on your dashboard to download the CSV report. The link is valid for two hours.
  • Version History - Open the Version History tab in Quiz Builder > Quiz Settings.
  • Copy quiz ID: xxx - Copy the quiz ID of the current quiz.
  • Set as Default Quiz - Set as a default quiz to be displayed in the Shop App.
  • Delete - Delete the quiz.

dashboard quiz performance

Quiz Performance Overview - Highlights your quizzes performance during the last 30 days

show overview - Shows an overview of the quizzes metrics in the last 30 days.

show breakdown - Shows a detailed breakdown of the quizzes metrics in the last 30 days.


Version 2 of the RevenueHunt app is not yet available. It is currently in the beta testing phase. Learn more here.


Current Quiz - The main quiz set up for the main Shopify market in your store.

1 Responses - Shows the number of responses the current default quiZ received.

1/6 Completed tasts - Shows the quiz building progress based on the Success Checklist.

Skincare quiz (morning + night routines) - Current quiz title.

Last saved: 14 October 2024, 12:09 PM - Specifies when the last changes to the quiz were saved.

🌎 United Kingdom - Specifies what market is the default for this quiz.


All quizzes - Displays a list of all the quizzes created with this account.

Assigned market - Displays a list of all the quizzes that are assigned to any market in your Shopify Markets.

No assigned market - Displays a list of all the quizzes that are not assigned to any market in your Shopify Markets.

Create quiz - Opens the New Quiz creation menu.

... - Opens quiz management options.


  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview for testing.
  • Quiz Settings - Opens the Quiz Settings for that quiz.
  • Integrations - Opens the Integrations page for that quiz.
  • Responses - Opens the Responses page where it's possible to view, downalod and troubleshoot response for that quiz.
  • Analytics - Opens the Metrics page where all the quiz analytics are stored, including quiz starts, completions and revenue.
  • Copy quiz ID: - Copies the current quiz ID to clipboard.
  • Rename - Allows you to rename the current quiz.
  • Duplicate - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Remove - Deletes the current quiz.

Publish - Sets the quiz as current quiz and makes it the default quiz for the main show market and Shop app channel. After clickign the following message will appear:


Clicking Cancel cancels the operation. Clicking Set as default will confirm the action.

Customize - Opens the Quiz Builder.


+ new quiz - Opens the New quiz setup menu.

Demo Quiz (copy) - A default quiz that explains how to use various app functions. Click on the quiz tile to open the Quiz Builder.

4096 leads - Indicates the total number of quiz responses the quiz received.

... - Opens quiz management options.

dashboard quiz menu

  • Edit - Opens the Quiz Builder.
  • Connect - Opens the Connect tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Share - Opens the Share tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Metrics - Opens the Metrics tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview.
  • Publish - Publish quiz changes to the Preview/Live Quiz. (If you have not yet added the quiz to your website as a link or an embed, clicking "Publish" will simply update the preview.)
  • Make a copy - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Export Responses as CSV - Generate a CSV file with quiz responses from the last three months. Once clicked a link will appear on your dashboard to download the CSV report. The link is valid for two hours.
  • Version History - Open the Version History tab in Quiz Builder > Quiz Settings.
  • Copy quiz ID: xxx - Copy the quiz ID of the current quiz.
  • Delete - Delete the quiz.

dashboard quiz performance

Quiz Performance Overview - Highlights your quizzes performance during the last 30 days

show overview - Shows an overview of the quizzes metrics in the last 30 days.

show breakdown - Shows a detailed breakdown of the quizzes metrics in the last 30 days.


+ new quiz - Opens the New quiz setup menu.

Demo Quiz (copy) - A default quiz that explains how to use various app functions. Click on the quiz tile to open the Quiz Builder.

4096 leads - Indicates the total number of quiz responses the quiz received.

... - Opens quiz management options.

dashboard quiz menu

  • Edit - Opens the Quiz Builder.
  • Connect - Opens the Connect tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Share - Opens the Share tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Metrics - Opens the Metrics tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview.
  • Publish - Publish quiz changes to the Preview/Live Quiz. (If you have not yet added the quiz to your website as a link or an embed, clicking "Publish" will simply update the preview.)
  • Make a copy - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Export Responses as CSV - Generate a CSV file with quiz responses from the last three months. Once clicked a link will appear on your dashboard to download the CSV report. The link is valid for two hours.
  • Version History - Open the Version History tab in Quiz Builder > Quiz Settings.
  • Copy quiz ID: xxx - Copy the quiz ID of the current quiz.
  • Delete - Delete the quiz.


+ new quiz - Opens the New quiz setup menu.

Demo Quiz (copy) - A default quiz that explains how to use various app functions. Click on the quiz tile to open the Quiz Builder.

4096 leads - Indicates the total number of quiz responses the quiz received.

... - Opens quiz management options.

dashboard quiz menu

  • Edit - Opens the Quiz Builder.
  • Connect - Opens the Connect tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Share - Opens the Share tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Metrics - Opens the Metrics tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview.
  • Publish - Publish quiz changes to the Preview/Live Quiz. (If you have not yet added the quiz to your website as a link or an embed, clicking "Publish" will simply update the preview.)
  • Make a copy - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Export Responses as CSV - Generate a CSV file with quiz responses from the last three months. Once clicked a link will appear on your dashboard to download the CSV report. The link is valid for two hours.
  • Version History - Open the Version History tab in Quiz Builder > Quiz Settings.
  • Copy quiz ID: xxx - Copy the quiz ID of the current quiz.
  • Delete - Delete the quiz.


+ new quiz - Opens the New quiz setup menu.

Demo Quiz (copy) - A default quiz that explains how to use various app functions. Click on the quiz tile to open the Quiz Builder.

4096 leads - Indicates the total number of quiz responses the quiz received.

... - Opens quiz management options.

dashboard quiz menu

  • Edit - Opens the Quiz Builder.
  • Connect - Opens the Connect tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Share - Opens the Share tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Metrics - Opens the Metrics tab within the Quiz Builder.
  • Preview - Opens the Quiz Preview.
  • Publish - Publish quiz changes to the Preview/Live Quiz. (If you have not yet added the quiz to your website as a link or an embed, clicking "Publish" will simply update the preview.)
  • Make a copy - Create a copy of this quiz on the dashboard.
  • Export Responses as CSV - Generate a CSV file with quiz responses from the last three months. Once clicked a link will appear on your dashboard to download the CSV report. The link is valid for two hours.
  • Version History - Open the Version History tab in Quiz Builder > Quiz Settings.
  • Copy quiz ID: xxx - Copy the quiz ID of the current quiz.
  • Delete - Delete the quiz.

Tips & Tricks

Displays useful tips and tricks for building a better quiz.

dashboard tips

view all - Opens archived tips.

Displays useful tips and tricks for building a better quiz.

dashboard tips

view all - Opens archived tips.

Displays useful tips and tricks for building a better quiz.

dashboard tips

view all - Opens archived tips.

Displays useful tips and tricks for building a better quiz.

dashboard tips

view all - Opens archived tips.

Displays useful tips and tricks for building a better quiz.

dashboard tips

view all - Opens archived tips.

Success Checklist

To open the Success Checklist click on any of the ❓❗✅ 🔄 icons.

dashboard success checklist

❓ - Opens the Getting Started section of the Success Checklist.

❗ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

✅ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

🔄 - Opens the Sync section of the Success Checklist.

dashbaord success checklist sync app

run manual sync - Starts a full sync of your product catalog. The sync takes about 30 - 60 minutes to complete. If your store has more than 3,000 product variants, the sync can take longer. Please note that a full sync of your catalog is done every 24 hours.


Version 2 of the RevenueHunt app is not yet available. It is currently in the beta testing phase. Learn more here.


Success checklist guides you through every step of creating and optimizing your quiz for maximum results. From setting up tailored product recommendations to collecting leads and promoting your quiz, follow these tasks to ensure you're making the most out of your quiz.

Red counter 🔴 informs you about tasks from the list that still need to be completed.

Click the checkmark ⃝ to mark the task as completed or click the archive icon 🗂️ to ignore a specific check.

To open the Success Checklist click on any of the ❓❗✅ 🔄 icons.

dashboard woocommerce success checklist

❓ - Opens the Getting Started section of the Success Checklist.

❗ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

✅ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

🔄 - Opens the Sync section of the Success Checklist.

dashbaord woocommerce success checklist sync app

run manual sync - Starts a full sync of your product catalog. The sync takes about 30 - 60 minutes to complete. If your store has more than 3,000 product variants, the sync can take longer. Please note that a full sync of your catalog is done every 24 hours.

To open the Success Checklist click on any of the ❓❗✅ 🔄 icons.

dashboard magento success checklist

❓ - Opens the Getting Started section of the Success Checklist.

❗ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

✅ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

🔄 - Opens the Sync section of the Success Checklist.

dashbaord magento success checklist sync app

run manual sync - Starts a full sync of your product catalog. The sync takes about 30 - 60 minutes to complete. If your store has more than 3,000 product variants, the sync can take longer. Please note that a full sync of your catalog is done every 24 hours.

To open the Success Checklist click on any of the ❓❗✅ 🔄 icons.

dashboard bigcommerce success checklist

❓ - Opens the Getting Started section of the Success Checklist.

❗ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

✅ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

🔄 - Opens the Sync section of the Success Checklist.

dashbaord bigcommerce success checklist sync app

run manual sync - Starts a full sync of your product catalog. The sync takes about 30 - 60 minutes to complete. If your store has more than 3,000 product variants, the sync can take longer. Please note that a full sync of your catalog is done every 24 hours.

To open the Success Checklist click on any of the ❓❗✅ 🔄 icons.

dashboard standalone success checklist

❓ - Opens the Getting Started section of the Success Checklist.

❗ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

✅ - Opens the To Do section of the Success Checklist. The number indicates the number of tasks to be completed.

🔄 - Opens the Sync section of the Success Checklist.

dashbaord standalone success checklist products

View Catalog - Opens the Catalogue, where you can create products and collections. Products and collections can be added to the store manually in the catalog section of the app.

>activate Google Product Feed - Click to provide your Google Product Feed URL to automatically upload products and collections to your product recommendation quiz account.


How do I find my Google Product Feed URL?

To find your Google Product Feed URL in Google Merchant Center, you need to log into your account at After logging in click “products”, then “Feeds”. Click the name of the feed you would like to see the URL for, and then click Settings / Fetch schedule. Alternatively, you can find the URL to your product page by editing a product and looking for the Permalink just below the Title box.


Your Google Product Feed doesn’t work? Try this service to validate it.

CATALOGUE - This is where you can create products and collections of products that can be used in building your quiz. All the changes you make will be saved automatically.

+ add new product - Adds a new empty product. The prompt will ask you for a product name. This can be edited later. Confirm with Create. Fill in the details of your product as specified in your eCommerce store.


+ add new collection - Adds a new empty colelction. The prompt will ask you for a collection name. This can be edited later. Confirm with Create. Pick from the dropdown of existing products that should be added to the collection.


New Quiz

new quiz page

start with an empty quiz - Choose this if you want to start with an empty quiz. Once clicked, a popup will show asking you to name the quiz (the name can be changed later in Quiz Settings).

new quiz empty add name

import quiz from another store - Allows you to import a quiz from another store by inserting a copy quiz code. Check How to Copy the Quiz from one store to another for detailed instructions.

Select from one of our Quiz Templates - Allows you to use one of our pre-designed templates.

new quiz add quiz from a template

live preview - Opens a live preview of the quiz templates.

use this template - Adds the template to your dashboard.


Version 2 of the RevenueHunt app is not yet available. It is currently in the beta testing phase. Learn more here.


Create quiz

From scratch - Start with a blank quiz. A popup will show asking for the Quiz name.


Click Cancel to return to the Quizzes or Continue to select the color scheme for the new blank quiz.


Click Select to confirm the color scheme, Cancel to return to the Quizzes or Continue to open the Quiz Builder of the new blank quiz.

From template - Start a new quiz by selecting a pre-made template and color scheme.

(Select from one of our quiz templates)

Click Select to confirm the tempalte choice, Cancel to return to the Quizzes or Continue to select the color scheme for the new quiz.


Click Select to confirm the color scheme, Cancel to return to the Quizzes or Continue to open the Quiz Builder of the new quiz.

Import quiz - Import a quiz by pasting the quiz JSON in the popup.


Click Cancel to return to the Quizzes or Import to open the new quiz.


For instructions no how to export/import a quiz from one store to another in a JSON format, please check this guide.

new quiz page

start with an empty quiz - Choose this if you want to start with an empty quiz. Once clicked, a popup will show asking you to name the quiz (the name can be changed later in Quiz Settings).

new quiz empty add name

import quiz from another store - Allows you to import a quiz from another store by inserting a copy quiz code. Check How to Copy the Quiz from one store to another for detailed instructions.

Select from one of our Quiz Templates - Allows you to use one of our pre-designed templates.

new quiz add quiz from a template

live preview - Opens a live preview of the quiz templates.

use this template - Adds the template to your dashboard.

new quiz page

start with an empty quiz - Choose this if you want to start with an empty quiz. Once clicked, a popup will show asking you to name the quiz (the name can be changed later in Quiz Settings).

new quiz empty add name

import quiz from another store - Allows you to import a quiz from another store by inserting a copy quiz code. Check How to Copy the Quiz from one store to another for detailed instructions.

Select from one of our Quiz Templates - Allows you to use one of our pre-designed templates.

new quiz add quiz from a template

live preview - Opens a live preview of the quiz templates.

use this template - Adds the template to your dashboard.

new quiz page

start with an empty quiz - Choose this if you want to start with an empty quiz. Once clicked, a popup will show asking you to name the quiz (the name can be changed later in Quiz Settings).

new quiz empty add name

import quiz from another store - Allows you to import a quiz from another store by inserting a copy quiz code. Check How to Copy the Quiz from one store to another for detailed instructions.

Select from one of our Quiz Templates - Allows you to use one of our pre-designed templates.

new quiz add quiz from a template

live preview - Opens a live preview of the quiz templates.

use this template - Adds the template to your dashboard.

new quiz page

start with an empty quiz - Choose this if you want to start with an empty quiz. Once clicked, a popup will show asking you to name the quiz (the name can be changed later in Quiz Settings).

new quiz empty add name

import quiz from another store - Allows you to import a quiz from another store by inserting a copy quiz code. Check How to Copy the Quiz from one store to another for detailed instructions.

Select from one of our Quiz Templates - Allows you to use one of our pre-designed templates.

new quiz add quiz from a template

live preview - Opens a live preview of the quiz templates.

use this template - Adds the template to your dashboard.